Product Features
Premium Alkaline Water Ionizer
Max Large Plates - High Performance 13 plates Water Cell. Prime Water Ionizers with solid and mesh plate delivers an electrical current to the water through
and array of positively and negatively charged Platinum Titanium plates. Max next generation SMPS Power system (Max 450Watts). Widest range of pH and ORP. Premium Multi-stage Media Dual internal filtration system. Compact Sleek new Design
Complements the look of your kitchen
Stylish Prime Water Ionizer
13Plates Water Cell features
New Larger Ultra Efficient
Multi-Level Electrolysis chambers
New Larger 13 Titanium/Platinum Plates
Prime Water Ionizers with Solid and Mesh plate delivers an electrical current to the water through
an array of positively and negatively charged Platinum coated Titanium plates.
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